Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia


Of all the dictators in the Decepticon ranks (and there are a few!) Straxus is among the worst.

A brutal powerhouse, his word is law, and Straxus will go to any lengths to enforce his policies.

Unfortunately, the law according to Straxus can change on a whim, and if you do run afoul of him, don't bother appealing for mercy - he has none.

And the sentence is always a short, sharp blow from his battle axe.

Straxus Alt




Ability Description Ability Cost Cost Increase
Seismic Charge Seismic Charge Target a wall with a resonating seismic charge. The explosion deals damage for each wall within the radius, and quadruple damage to walls 5 3
Ability Levels
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Damage Multiplier 1.05 1.1025 1.155 1.2075 1.26 1.3125 1.365 1.4175 1.47 1.5225 1.575
Level 11 Upgrade Bonus 7x damage increase against walls

C.O.M.B.A.T./Weapon Compatibility[]

C.O.M.B.A.T./Weapon Class
Baro Shield
Baru Melee
Bombshock Companion
Catgut Melee
Dark Star Saber Melee
Doublecrosser Shield
Fangtron Shield
Gabu Melee
Giza Melee
Glit Companion
Ground Hog Companion
Growl Companion
Lancelon Melee
Overkill Companion
Power Punch Companion
Ravage Companion
Razor-Sharp Melee
Roller Force Companion
SG Ravage Companion
Slugfest Companion
Terror-Daxtyl Melee
Tonbot Companion
Vertebreak Companion
Zori Melee


Crystal G1 Chip
Straxus Crystal Decepticon G1 Chip

Exclusive Power Cores[]

G1 Straxus
File:Straxus G1.png Increased wall damage & increased health. Gain a Mid-area stomp that does x1.5 DPS to walls
Silver Gold G-Metal
Minimum Level Damage Boost:

Health Boost:

Damage Boost: 14%

Health Boost: 5.0%

Damage Boost:

Health Boost:

Maximum Level Damage Boost:

Health Boost:

Damage Boost: 42%

Health Boost: 12%

Damage Boost:

Health Boost:


See Cost to Research for increasing maximum level. Power ratings assume that the special ability has not been upgraded, otherwise the amount will be higher.

Speed ?
Range ?
Level 1* 2* 3* 4* 5*
[+/-] Power DPS Health Power DPS Health Power DPS Health Power DPS Health Power DPS Health
1 17.1 1110 19.8 1470 23.4 1820 27.0 2170
5 19.2 1250 22.3 1650 26.3 2050 30.4 2440
10 22.3 1450 25.8 1910 30.5 2370 35.2 2830
20 35.8 2330 41.5 3070 49.0 3810 56.5 4550
30 57.5 3750 66.5 4930 78.6 6120 90.7 7300
40 92.2 6020 106.8 7920 126.2 9820 145.6 11,700
50 171.3 12,700 202.5 15,700 233.6 18,800
60 244.2 18,100 288.7 22,400 333.1 26,800


Straxus was introduced at the same time as Sludge.
