Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia


Sights cuts a ramshackle, unprepossessing and less than personable figure in his beast form, and veers to the brusque side in any social interaction. But behind the grouchy exterior lurks an ambitious and calculating mind, forever weighing the odds in any given confrontation or interaction, and in laser-sighted rifle mode he makes the impossible - possible!


Every set amount of seconds, you deal a percentage of the bot damage through everything in a straight line to the target and beyond.


Stat Levels
Ui bot 2starUi bot 2star Damage (%) Ui bot 3starUi bot 3starUi bot 3star Damage (%) Ui bot 4starUi bot 4starUi bot 4starUi bot 4star Damage (%) 5star icon Damage (%)
Minimum Level 50 80 110 165
Maximum Level 140 170 245 365

Decepticon Compatibility[]

Decepticon Range
Brake-Neck Extra Long
Brawl Extra Long
Breakdown Extra Long
Drag Strip Extra Long
Kickback Extra Long
Knock Out Extra Long
Long Haul Extra Long
Mixmaster Extra Long
Octopunch Extra Long
Onslaught Extra Long
Sea Phantom Extra Long
Skullsmasher Extra Long
Spinister Extra Long
Swindle Extra Long
Triggerhappy Extra Long
Vortex Extra Long
Wildrider Extra Long


Sights Chip