Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia


Scylla is outwardly prim and serene, and wants others to believe nothing dents her self-belief and faith in a kind of lofty Decepticon ideal. But the truth is, she's an almost delinquent level scrapper, full of hot-tempered energy and small vanities.

She likes nothing better than to take what others have, preferably by force, and then gloat - almost daring her victims to try and take back their property. With a floating grenade, known as her 'kiss of death', she launches from her mouth, which very rarely turns out well for the dispossessed.


Ability Description Ability Cost Cost Increase
Death Kiss Death Kiss Mark a building with a beacon. Allies within the beacon's pulse will attack that building for 5 seconds. If the building is destroyed in that time, allies within the pulse receive a 30% damage increase for 5 seconds. 6 0
Ability Levels
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Duration 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Level 11 Upgrade Bonus 30% Damage absorption.

C.O.M.B.A.T./Weapon Compatibility[]

C.O.M.B.A.T./Weapon Class
Baro Shield
Baru Melee
Bombshock Companion
Catgut Melee
Dark Star Saber Melee
Doublecrosser Shield
Fangtron Shield
Gabu Melee
Giza Melee
Glit Companion
Ground Hog Companion
Growl Companion
Lancelon Melee
Overkill Companion
Power Punch Companion
Ravage Companion
Razor-Sharp Melee
Roller Force Companion
SG Ravage Companion
Slugfest Companion
Terror-Daxtyl Melee
Tonbot Companion
Vertebreak Companion
Zori Melee


Crystal G1 Chip
Scylla Crystal Decepticon G1 Chip

Exclusive Power Cores[]

G1 Scylla
Damage is increased and executes enemies with a death kiss beacon on them at X% or lower.
Silver Gold G-Metal
Minimum Level Damage Boost: 3%

% Damage: 5

Damage Boost: 4%

% Damage: 7.5

Damage Boost: 5%

% Damage: 10

Maximum Level Damage Boost: 7.5%

% Damage: 5

Damage Boost: 11%

% Damage: 7.5

Damage Boost: 14.5%

% Damage: 10
