Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia


Inferno is fanatically loyal to Predacon commander, Megatron, largely because he misguidedly believes him to be his colony 'Queen', and even refers to him as "The Royalty". The fact that Megatron directs him to burn anyone or anything that opposes him doesn't hurt either, as Inferno loves to burn things.

Inferno is prepared to risk everything - up to and including life and limb - and take on any task - no matter how suicidal - for the glory of his 'Colony'. And he does it laughing (maniacally).


Ability Description Ability Cost Cost Increase
InfernoRoar-D Inferno Roar Roar to deal damage and put buildings and enemies on fire for a few seconds. Allies that hear the roar will attack faster. 5 3
Ability Levels
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Damage 1.75 1.82 1.89 1.96 2.03 2.1 2.17 2.24 2.31 2.38 2.45
Level 11 Upgrade Bonus Slow down enemies for 30%

C.O.M.B.A.T./Weapon Compatibility[]

C.O.M.B.A.T./Weapon Class
Baru Melee
Bombshock Companion
Catgut Melee
Dark Star Saber Melee
Gabu Melee
Giza Melee
Glit Companion
Ground Hog Companion
Growl Companion
Lancelon Melee
Overkill Companion
Power Punch Companion
Ravage Companion
Razor-Sharp Melee
Roller Force Companion
SG Ravage Companion
Slugfest Companion
Terror-Daxtyl Melee
Tonbot Companion
Vertebreak Companion
Zori Melee


Crystal G1 Chip
Predacon Inferno Crystal Decepticon G1 Chip

Exclusive Power Cores[]

G1 Predacon Inferno
File:Predacon Inferno G1.png Increases the special ability damage and generates a shield which absorbs 40% of all damage for 6 seconds.
Silver Gold G-Metal
Minimum Level Ability Damage: Ability Damage: Ability Damage:
Maximum Level Ability Damage: Ability Damage: Ability Damage: 16%