Equip, un-equip and fuse Power Cores and Prime Cores in the Power Core Lab for a strategic advantage in battle! Power Cores enhance the abilities of your bots and buildings depending on the type that is applied. Each bot and building can use one power core to make themselves stronger. This will increase their power rating as well as health or damage per second/ DPS. Prime Cores are the remaining essence of the original Primes and bestow great abilities to the bot that carries that spark.
Power Core Functions[]
After reaching a Headquarter level of 6 a player can participate in the Secrets of Nebulos campaign to unlock the power core ability. Build the power core lab at no cost on your base. It is the same size as other utility buildings (3x3) and doesn't need to be upgraded. Once your Headquarters reaches Level 16 this building will upgrade to the new color scheme but will maintain the same health and purpose. Once in play the player will be able to start earning power cores, G1 cores, and prime cores/chips.
Building Details[]
Power Core Levels[]
There are three levels of power cores: bronze, silver, and gold. A bronze core can be upgraded to level 5, while a silver can go to level 10, and a gold to level 15. Prime Cores can reach a maximum level of 20. Upgrades are done by fusing additional power cores together and they do not have to be the same category of core, but they do have to apply to the difference between bot cores and building cores. Silver cores are more rare than bronze, and gold cores are even more rare. Prime cores are extremely rare and only one of each of the 12 kinds exist, there are no duplicates available to a player.
Earning Power Cores[]
A player can collect a Power Core as an award or they can collect shards of a core and once enough shards are collected they can call forth the applicable Power Core from the space bridge. Collecting shards is the most common way to earn a Prime Core, while regular Power Cores rarely need that. Power Core Chips can obtain a random type from a specific category, for example any Bronze Power Core or any G1 Power Core.
Power cores are issued as rewards during event play, or when a duplicate bot is pulled through the Space Bridge.
If a bot would have come through it turns into a single Bronze Power Core (along with crystal shards and spark).
If a bot would have come through 3 bronze cores appear instead or rarely a single Silver Power Core.
If 1 bot would have come through a Silver Power Core appears or possibly a Gold Power Core.
If 1 bot would have come through a gold Power Core is presented.
There will not be any duplicate bots.
5,000 prime core chips are needed to call forth one of the Prime Cores. Because only a single of each kind exists there are no duplicates of these, each time a Prime Core is called for a different one appears.
Power Core Types[]
Power cores can apply to buildings or bots and the lab manages each separately. Within each section there are sub-types of cores for different types of buildings or bots. To tell the difference the two core types do appear differently; the bot cores are round orbs with a flat side, while the building cores are encased in a shield.
Increases the special ability damage by a percentage and generates a shield before taking off for Air Strike which absorbs 80% of all damage for 4 seconds.
Increase your regular damage against enemy bots and Combiners by a percentage. When using your ability, you cloak yourself in exhaust smoke that absorbs 50% of damage for 5 secs.
Give these G2 Leaders an exclusive G1 look! Also increases their Special Ability damage and generates a shield that absorbs 20% of all damage for 15 seconds.
Restores a percentage of health every 5 seconds. When your health drops below 40%, you overcharge the Sparks of your allies (making them deal a percentage of their Damage over 5 seconds).
All of your attacks heal you for a percentage of the Damage done and generate a shield before taking off for Plasma Shroud which absorbs 80% of all damage for 4 seconds.
Every 20 seconds, you throw a cloud-producing grenade, lowering enemy damage by 50% for 5 seconds. Additionally, increases total health by a percentage.
Filled with Electrum from the legendary Golden Lagoon! Adds a temporary gold coating to your bot that reflects 60% of damage (30% on defense). Does not stack with other Reflective Shield effects
Squad Power Cores[]
Autobot specific Power Cores
Decepticon specific power cores
Ground Command - Trithyllium Plating
Restores a percentage of the equipped bot’s health every 5 seconds. Percentage reduced damage from Auto Cannons for all the other warriors.
Ground Force - Trithyllium Plating
Ground Command - Attack
Restores a percentage of the equipped bot’s health every 5 seconds. Boosts damage of regular attacks all other warriors by a percentage.
Ground Force - Attack
Air Command - Reflective Coating
Increases special ability damage of the equipped bot by a percentage. Adds a percentage protection from Laser Turrets and Beam Lasers to all other Aerial bots.
Air Force - Reflective Coating
Air Command - Attack
Increases special ability damage of the equipped bot by a percentage. Boosts damage of regular attacks all other aerial bots by a percentage.
Air Force - Attack
Medical Command - Flak Jacket
Increases the healing done by the bot equipped by a percentage. Reduces damage by a percentage from Mortars and Missile Launchers for all the other medics.
Medical Force - Flak Jacket
Special Command - Flak Jacket
Adds a percentage of health to the bot equipped. Reduces damage by a percentage from Mortars and Missile Launchers for all the other special bots.
Special Force - Flak Jacket
Special Command - Attack
Adds a percentage health to the bot equipped. Increases the attack damage of all other Special bots by a percentage.
Special Force - Attack
Artillery Command - Flak Jacket
Increases the special ability damage of the equipped bot by a percentage. Reduces damage by a percentage from Mortars and Missile Launchers for all the other gunners.
Artillery Force - Flak Jacket
Artillery Command - Attack
Increases the special ability damage of the equipped bot by a percentage. Boosts damage of regular attacks all other gunners by a percentage.
Once a core has been earned visit the lab, select the appropriate building or bot section, and find the core in the list. A bot will need to be at least a 2* or higher to use a power core. In some cases a bot may appear differently once fused with a power core but not every time. For example, Chrome Jetfire turns him all chrome colored, and the crowns of Starscream and Grimlock appear on their heads during battle and while walking patrol at the base. Other power cores are not so obvious.
A power core can be unassigned from a bot as well, either to fuse that core to another or to assign it to a different bot. This is common when transferring a core from a low * bot to a higher * bot, like 2* Optimus to 3* Optimus, later to 4* and possibly 5* Optimus Prime (or directly from 2* to 5* if available). There is a charge to un-equip a bot.
If you try to equip a Power Core to a bot that already has a Power Core Equipped, you will be prompted with the option to replace the existing core. This option is slightly different from equipping because it automatically includes the Unequip step. When replacing a Power Core, the costs of each step are summed together and presented in a single action.
Fusing Power Cores[]
Power Core Fusing is a process in which you can sacrifice your unused Power Cores in order to make another Power Core stronger (by increasing its level and thus its stats). This will reduce cores available to be used by other bots. Fusing also uses energon or alloy.
In the lab select a Power Core that you wish to make stronger, then select the green up arrow in the upper left corner. The menu of cores will change so that cores ineligible to be fused will turn into a padlock (because they are already assigned to a bot or building or is a Prime Core which can't be fused into a different core). Select some or all available power cores and hit the Fuse button.
To create a level 2 core fuse two level 1 cores and use 6,000 energon. To create a level 3 core add two level 1 cores to a level 2 core. The number of cores needed increases quickly, as does the resources needed.
Cores to add
Total cores needed
Resources Added
Total resources
already included
starting point
maximum for a bronze core
Maximum for a Silver Core
maximum for a Gold Core
maximum for a Prime Core
Cores that are higher than level 1 can also be merged but they count for 1/3 of their total level. A level 4, 5, or 6 power core will equal two bronze cores when added to another for example.
Level up Gold and Prime Cores first because cores applied to Silver and Bronze cores will have reduced value if you wish to add them to a stronger core later. A player may chose, however, to keep all cores, including Bronze and Silver and simply apply them to lower-star version bots, assuming they never get enough Gold and Prime Cores to ration to their whole team.