Maximum is 1 Prestige Level. So in this event, player can only finish 1 Set of prizes, and then the event will be automatically Ending.
This is an Alliance Event! This means that each member of the alliance will contribute points towards the totaliser and that upon unlocking a prize every player in the Alliance will earn that prize.
Bonus Experience: Earn Double XP in Event Battle Zones!
You must stay in your alliance until prizes are rewarded or you won’t receive them.
If you move to another Alliance during the event, any Battle Points will stay with the Alliance that you’ve earned them for.
In the Member tab section, we can see each other member of alliance contribution toward the totalizer Battle Points.
If the Alliance have maximum 40 members so each member have to get 750 to get 1 Prestige
After a member claim the prizes when they are still in Alliance, that prize cannot be claim again when that member change alliance.
After finish this event, member of that Alliance cannot do anymore Event Battle Zone and cannot get Bonus Double XP again.
If the member that already finish the event create a new alliance, there are no Bonus Double XP again.
The member that already finish the event can still help other alliance to get the Bonus Double XP.
In this event, the Info tab is remove and the interface now only have 2 main button, but the Information screen can still be access by click the "blue question triangle" button in the Battle screen.
You have to do battle to earn "Battle Points" . The battle points in each checkpoint will reward with many things.
Battle Points Required
Mixed Boost Crystal
15 x 3-Star shards
30 x 3-Star shards
2-Star Crystals
50,000 Energon
2,000 Spark
100 x 3-Star shards
50 x 4-Star shards
Sideswipe and Viper Crystal
If the battle points accumulated is more that the checkpoint level, the point will be keep accumulated to the next checkpoint or next prestige level.
3-Star Shards[]
You can claim the star shard and convert into 3-Star Crystal. Those crystal can be use in Space Bridge to get a chance to get new Bot, Battle Boost or Spark.
Star Shards
Exchange into Crystals
= 1 x Character Crystals.
Character Crystal[]
You can claim the Star Crystal or Character Crystal and use it in the Space Bridge to summon a guarantee Bot base on the Star rating.
This crystals can be obtained from event prizes or Bundles . From this crystal we can get a mix of :
Information get from Live Thursday: Event + New Bots. Get sneak peeks of this weekend's Event! Plus, NEW BOTS and TRIVIA! On Twitch and in 4 Aug @4PM GMT
Since Strafe and Scourge are delayed, there will be new event to introduce other new bots
Introduction of New Bot for this week.
New Decepticons : Viper , class Air bot with New Ability Acid Rain.
Increase Cluster Strike ability cost but increase range 1 point.
Participate in the Event Battle Zone will give you Battle Points with Experience but no Resource ( and ) and no .
In the event, there is also double experience bonus to all 12 Battle Zones.
Same with event Crystal City, after a member claim the prizes when they are still in Alliance, that prize cannot be claim again when that member change alliance.
After finish this event, member of that Alliance cannot do anymore Event Battle Zone and cannot get Bonus Double XP again.
If the member that already finish the event create a new alliance, there are no Bonus Double XP again.
The member that already finish the event can still help other alliance to get the Bonus Double XP.