Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia
Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia
Sample Picture
Building Size 3 x 3
Cost to Build Level 1 7,100 Ui resource Alloy Alloy
6,900 Ui resource Energon Energon
Requirement To Built 1st HQ Level 4

Description []

Fires high-explosive projectiles at long range. Can only target ground targets.


Level HQ Health Damage Ui resource Alloy Alloy Cost Ui resource Energon Energon Cost Time Rank




1 4 410 18 Ui resource Alloy 7,100 Ui resource Energon 6,900 1h 28
2 5 490 22 Ui resource Alloy 14,000 Ui resource Energon 11,000 4h
3 6 590 26 Ui resource Alloy 19,000 Ui resource Energon 43,000 8h
4 7 710 31 Ui resource Alloy 74,000 Ui resource Energon 78,000 12h 49
5 8 850 38 Ui resource Alloy 110,000 Ui resource Energon 110,000 18h 56
6 9 1,000 45 Ui resource Alloy 93,000 Ui resource Energon 260,000 1d 63
7 10 1,200 54 Ui resource Alloy 680,000 Ui resource Energon 220,000 2d 70
8 11 1,400 65 Ui resource Alloy 1,000,000 Ui resource Energon 390,000 3d 77
9 12 1,700 78 Ui resource Alloy 1,400,000 Ui resource Energon 530,000 4d 84
10 13 2,100 94 Ui resource Alloy 1,900,000 Ui resource Energon 700,000 5d 91
11 14 2,500 112 Ui resource Alloy Ui resource Energon 7d
12 15 3,300 143 Ui resource Alloy 3,100,000 Ui resource Energon 1,400,000 14d 105 Ui resource CyberCoins 7,194
13 16 4,100 Ui resource Alloy 5,000,000 Ui resource Energon 2,300,000 14d 112
14 17 5,100 244 Ui resource Alloy 8,300,000 Ui resource Energon 3,800,000 18d 119


Level HQ Health Damage
10 4 139
11 5 37,000 143
12 6 48,000 176
13 7 60,000 212
14 8 72,000 254
15 9 87,000 305
16 10 100,000 345