Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia
Megatronus Prime Core


More commonly known as The Fallen.

Megatronus Titans

At the dawn of time, he was Megatronus, one of a brotherhood of vastly powerful beings dedicated to the well-being of their world. But The Fallen would gain his current moniker by turning against his brother Primes and his purpose to pursue his own ends, also earning the moniker "the first Decepticon" in the process. His frightening form is a metal cage for primal, burning forces of chaos, giving him the appearance of a living furnace. These cauldron-like forces purged him of what empathy and morality remained; all that remains now is hatred and purest rage.

He was part of the Prime Council and discussed the best policies for Cybertron with them. When Unicron threatened them he was given The Forge by Solus Prime, a weapon of unprecedented power that she created for the task. Megatronus was successful, Unicron was beaten, but he did not want to return the weapon to her, knowing she was going to dismantle it. He believed he was powerful enough to be its keeper and to not succumb to its power. A struggle ensued and Megatronus accidentally used the weapon on his love, Solus Prime, releasing her spark from her body and ending her life. Distraught, he rebelled against the other Primes. He never realized that he had been manipulated all along by Liege Maximo, who sought the break the Council and allow each Prime to govern for themselves.

The Fallen is immensely powerful. He commands mystic, entropic arts, and when at full strength he can un-make creation at his focused will. He is rarely defeated; at best he is contained, where he waits with eternal patience for the chance to unleash his dark powers once again. Though he has at times been imprisoned between dimensions, this rarely lasts. When his power is at its height The Fallen can open space bridges and travel between dimensions and realities at will.

Like his brothers, The Fallen was once a multiversal singularity, meaning that in all of the vast multiverse, he had no alternate-universe doppelganger, but that is now no longer the case. In several realities he is the originator of the Decepticons, the catalyst that prompted Megatron to claim power for himself rather than the greater good. While the exact details of his past are complicated beyond the understanding of mortals, two things usually remain consistent: He is bad news, and he's on fire.


Power Core[]

The spark remnant of Megatronus, one of the original 13 Primes can still grant horrifying power to bots even to this day. When a bot adds this Prime Core to their systems they become surrounded by an elemental flame, dealing a percentage of their damage every second to enemy targets next to them (their allies remain safe).


In the Power Core Lab fuse other power cores into this one to increase its stats.

Level DPS Upgrade Requirements
Cores Ui resource spark Ui resource Energon Energon
1 (included)
2 1 Ui resource Energon 3,000
3 2 Ui resource Energon 6,000
4 3 Ui resource Energon 9,000
5 4 Ui resource Energon 12,000
7 32%
8 33%
9 34%


So who are the best bots for the Megatronus Prime Core? This Prime Core produces an elemental flame that surrounds the bot dealing a percentage of your DPS every second to targets close to the bot. The higher the level of the core the more damage, so if you run through a defense the defensive units get that percentage of damage. I have seen this core be extremely effective on Hot Spot and other tanks and even on Cosmos and Kup. In my opinion, the best bots for the Megatronus Core are

Star Saber Deathsaurus

Elita-1 Lugnut

Snarl Hun-gurrr

Grimlock Razorclaw

Drift Barricade

Optimus Primal Beast Wars Megatron
