Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia
Ui resource Medals

Medals are gained by defeating another player's base in multiplayer mode (PvP). Careful, as they can also be lost if your base is defeated by another player or if you lose a multiplayer battle. Compete to have the most Medals in our worldwide rankings!

A player earns medals up to the maximum available per Battle Zone, but a player can earn medals if their base gets attacked and survives.

Medals are earned in a declining pattern based on the current medal count of the player. A player begins by earning 25 medals per win but reduces down until they earn a single medal per battle. They are subject to losing a single medal if they lose a battle, initiated on their own or if their base gets attacked.

>2000 25 Ui resource Medals
20 Ui resource Medals 
15 Ui resource Medals 
10 Ui resource Medals 
5 Ui resource Medals 
4 Ui resource Medals 
3 Ui resource Medals 
6,000 2 Ui resource Medals 
6,200 1 Ui resource Medals 
Alliance Rank