Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia
Liege Maximo Prime core



Evil is infinite, a natural counterforce to good in the universe that cannot be truly defeated. When the first Prime was created, so was, necessarily, the Liege Maximo, the robot who now considers himself his opposite, the ultimate evil.

He was a treacherous force and often argued with the others of the Thirteen. Manipulation was his strongest skill as he was able to confuse and convince Megatronus into acting on his own, separate from the Thirteen as well. Sowing seeds of discontent and mistrust it ultimately led Megatronus not to return The Forge to Solus Prime and the struggle between them took her life. Liege Maximo was not unhappy about her death but rather enjoyed the rift that developed between Megatronus and the remaining Primes. While Megatronus inspired a young bot, Megatron, who would eventually recruit the Decepticons, Liege Maximo enjoyed the power he had when the Primes were consulted as individuals by others, not by seeking an audience with the entire Council.

Prime Core[]

Liege Maximo

His spark remnant resided in a Prime Core and any bot that carried it was bestowed some of Liege Maximo's gift to convince others to follow. Nearby outpost bots get hacked for a short time (after they complete their initial attack) and will attack their own base for your benefit, until they come to their senses which, by then, you and your allies have weakened them down so that you finish them off quickly. While carrying the Prime Core the host can't be hacked by other bots including Mindwipe or Cosmos.


In the Power Core Lab fuse other power cores into this one to increase its stats.

Level Hacking duration Upgrade Requirements
Cores Ui resource spark Energon Ui resource Energon
1 (included)
2 1 Ui resource Energon 3,000 
3 2 Ui resource Energon 6,000
4 3 Ui resource Energon 9,000
5 4 Ui resource Energon 12,000
6 8.0 seconds
7 8.5 seconds
8 9.0 seconds


So who are the best bots for the Liege Maximo Prime Core? This Prime Core works when you get close to an outpost bot. Once the outpost bot uses their special ability they are hacked, with the time length in seconds. The higher level the core is the longer the hack. If your outpost bot on your base is equipped with this core your bot cannot be hacked, but in turn it cannot hack bots attacking your base. I have seen this core on many different bots, and in my opinion the best bot for the Liege Maximo Prime Core is Hot Spot. This core needs to go to a bot they stays in the front line or triggers the outpost bot in order to be effective, so most any strong tank will work. Kup and Dead End prove to be other strong contenders for a different reason, their ability to teleport means that they can jump in and save their teammates when they trigger an outpost bot.
