Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia
Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia
Sample Picture
B laser turret d 01 upgrade
Building Size 3 x 3
Cost to Build Level 1 3,600 Ui resource Alloy Alloy
2,200 Ui resource Energon Energon
Requirement To Built 1st HQ Level 3


Shorter range than an Auto Cannon, but it can target air and ground targets. These turrets can be enhanced with power cores to add armor, attack strength, or to increase their anti-air effectiveness.


Level Health DPS Upgrade Requirements Rank




HQ Ui resource Energon Energon Ui resource Alloy Alloy Z-Energon Time
1 340 24 3 Ui resource Energon 4,000 Ui resource Alloy 3,000 N/A 15m 15
2 410 29 4 Ui resource Energon 6,700 Ui resource Alloy 6,500 N/A 1h 20
3 490 34 5 Ui resource Energon 10,000 Ui resource Alloy 13,000 N/A 4h 25
4 590 41 6 Ui resource Energon 18,000 Ui resource Alloy 40,000 N/A 8h
5 710 49 7 Ui resource Energon 27,000 Ui resource Alloy 70,000 N/A 12h
6 850 59 8 Ui resource Energon 39,000 Ui resource Alloy 120,000 N/A 18h 40
7 1,000 71 9 Ui resource Energon 88,000 Ui resource Alloy 240,000 N/A 1d 45
8 1,200 85 10 Ui resource Energon 210,000 Ui resource Alloy 640,000 N/A 2d
9 1,400 102 11 Ui resource Energon 360,000 Ui resource Alloy 960,000 N/A 3d 55
10 1,700 123 12 Ui resource Energon 500,000 Ui resource Alloy 1,300,000 N/A 4d 60
11 2,100 147 13 Ui resource Energon 660,000 Ui resource Alloy 1,800,000 N/A 5d 65
12 2,500 177 14 Ui resource Energon 1,000,000 Ui resource Alloy 2,300,000 N/A 7d
13 3,300 225 15 Ui resource Energon 1,300,000 Ui resource Alloy 2,900,000 N/A 14d Ui resource CyberCoins 7199
14 4,100 524 16 Ui resource Energon 2,200,000 Ui resource Alloy 4,700,000 N/A 14d 80 Ui resource CyberCoins 7199
15 5,100 320 17 Ui resource Energon 3,800,000 Ui resource Alloy 8,000,000 70,000 18d 85
16 18 Ui resource Energon 6,100,000 Ui resource Alloy 12,800,000 115,000 18d 85


Raid bases also use Laser Turrets that are much more powerful than the Earth wars versions.

Level Base Level Health DPS
10 4 32,000 184
11 5 38,000 221
12 6 46,000 273
13 7 60,000 337
14 8 75,000 404
15 9 90,000 485
16 10 100,000 594
  • DPS = Damage Per Second

