Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia
Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia

(of level 15)

Building Size 4 x 4
Cost by Default
Requirement To Built Since New Game
Maximum Built only 1

This is the heart of your base, protect it well! Upgrade your HQ to access new buildings and upgrades.


To see more detail for result of upgrading, see in bottom section.

Ability Points is the beginning action points that can be use in the battle to trigger the Abilities. Since 15 March 2018 with Version 1.57.1-o , the Ability Point for HQ 16 change from 24 to 28 and the Ability Point max change from 30 to 35 points.

Level Health Requirement Upgrade


Ranking Ui resource Energon Energon Cost Ui resource Alloy Alloy Cost Rank Points Ability Points
1 850 1 included - - 4
2 1,050 1 Ui resource Energon 840 Ui resource Alloy 560 60s 6
3 1,200 2 Ui resource Energon 1,700 Ui resource Alloy 3,000 6m 8
4 1,500 4 Ui resource Energon 3,800 Ui resource Alloy 6,800 15m 10
5 2,000 6 Ui resource Energon 4,900 Ui resource Alloy 11,000 1h 12
6 2,400 10 Ui resource Energon 22,000 Ui resource Alloy 51,000 4h 14
7 2,900 14 Ui resource Energon 71,000 Ui resource Alloy 110,000 8h 16
8 3,500 18 Ui resource Energon 110,000 Ui resource Alloy 170,000 12h 17
9 4,200 22 Ui resource Energon 180,000 Ui resource Alloy 270,000 18h 18
10 5,100 26 Ui resource Energon 450,000 Ui resource Alloy 670,000 1d 19
11 6,100 30 Ui resource Energon 700,000 Ui resource Alloy 970,000 2d 20
12 7,400 35 Ui resource Energon 1,000,000 Ui resource Alloy 1,300,000 3d 21
13 8,900 40 Ui resource Energon 1,300,000 Ui resource Alloy 1,800,000 4d 22
14 10,000 45 Ui resource Energon 1,800,000 Ui resource Alloy 2,600,000 5d 23
15 12,000 54 Ui resource Energon 2,200,000 Ui resource Alloy 3,100,000 7d 24
16 17,000 65 Ui resource Energon 3,000,000 Ui resource Alloy 3,900,000 14d 28

Upgrade Unlock[]

When the Headquarters upgraded, there are many new access to new technology either to increase the number of building or the level.


Buildings per HQ Level (Number of buildings x Max Level)
Number x Max HQ1 HQ2 HQ3 HQ4 HQ5 HQ6 HQ7 HQ8 HQ9 HQ10 HQ11 HQ12 HQ13 HQ14 HQ15 HQ16
Wall 6x1 8x2 10x3 12x4 14x5 16x6 18x7 20x8 22x9 24x10 26x11 28x12 30x13 32x14 38X15 40x16
Outpost 1x1 1x2 1x3 1x4 2x5 2x6 2x7 2x8 2x9 3x10 3x11 3x12 3x13 3X14 4x15
Stasis Mine 2x1 2x2 2x3 2x4 3x5 3x6 3x7 3x8 4x9 4x10 4x11 4x12
Auto Cannon 1x1 1x2 2x3 2x4 3x5 3x6 3x7 3x8 3x9 4x10 4x11 4x12 4x13 5x14 5X15 5x16
Laser Turret 1x1 1x2 2x3 2x4 2x5 2x6 3x7 3x8 3x9 3x10 3x11 4x12 4X13 4x14
Mortar 1x1 1x2 1x3 2x4 2x5 2x6 3x7 3x8 3x9 3x10 3x11 3X11 4x12
Beam Laser 1x1 1x2 1x3 1x4 1x5 1x6 2x7 2x8 2x9 2X10 2x11
Shock Tower 1x1 1x2 1x3 1x4 1x5 2x6 2X7 2x8
Missile Launcher 1x1 1x2 1x3 1x4 2X5 2x6

Utility Multiple Unit[]

Buildings per HQ Level (Number of buildings x Max Level)
Number x Max HQ1 HQ2 HQ3 HQ4 HQ5 HQ6 HQ7 HQ8 HQ9 HQ10 HQ11 HQ12 HQ13 HQ14 HQ15 HQ16
Energon Harvester 1x1 1x2 2x3 2x4 2x5 2x6 3x7 3x8 3x9 3x10 4x11 4x12 4x13 4x14 4x15 4x16
Energon Storage 1x1 1x2 1x3 1x4 2x5 2x6 2x7 2x8 3x9 3x10 3x11 3x12 3x13 3x14 3x15 3x16
Alloy Harvester 1x1 1x2 2x3 2x4 2x5 2x6 3x7 3x8 3x9 3x10 4x11 4x12 4x13 4x14 4x15 4x16
Alloy Storage 1x1 1x2 1x3 1x4 2x5 2x6 2x7 2x8 3x9 3x10 3x11 3x12 3x13 3x14 3x15 3x16

Utility Single Unit[]

Max Level per HQ Level
Only 1 unit HQ1 HQ2 HQ3 HQ4 HQ5 HQ6 HQ7 HQ8 HQ9 HQ10 HQ11 HQ12 HQ13 HQ14 HQ15 HQ16
Scanner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Research Lab 1 2 3 4 5
Shuttle 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


List to show at which HQ Level, you can start clearing the obstacles .

Minimum HQ Level to Clear the Obstacle
Size HQ1 HQ2 HQ3 HQ4 HQ5 HQ6 HQ7 HQ8 HQ9 HQ10 HQ11 HQ12 HQ13 HQ14 HQ15 HQ16
Tiny x
Small x
Medium x
Large x
Huge x

Maximum Base Configuration[]

Compare a base you encounter with this chart itemizing what the maximum size and count of defenses would be like to see if the base is maxed out and/or where the weaknesses are. Click on the link to be taken to a page that lays out the data for each base leve.

HQ1 HQ2 HQ3 HQ4 HQ5 HQ6 HQ7 HQ8 HQ9 HQ10 HQ11 HQ12 HQ13 HQ14 HQ15 HQ16


  • If this building is destroyed, it will end the battle and give full XP and resources to the attacker as all buildings are subsequently destroyed.

Release 1.23 reduced the energon cost of HQ upgrades and other buildings.

See Also[]
