Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia


Glit eschews weapons of war in favor of laser scalpels and surgical staples, shadowing combat troops as they go into battle, alert for theatre of war injuries in need of a life-saving patch and repair. That's not to say he's entirely selfless. His hyper-acute senses can detect incoming threats from miles away, and he often saves himself first (so, he says, he can administer aid later).


Glit heals the equipped bot.


Stat Levels
Ui bot 2starUi bot 2star Health / Heal per Second Ui bot 3starUi bot 3starUi bot 3star Health / Heal per Second Ui bot 4starUi bot 4starUi bot 4starUi bot 4star Health / Heal per Second 5star icon Health / Heal per Second
Minimum Level 2218 / 34.5 3564 / 48.0 5412 / 66.1 6912 / 93.8
Maximum Level 4032 / 62.8 6480 / 87.2 9840 / 120.2 13824 / 170.6


Glit Chip