Giza is more than simply eagle-eyed, from the highest of altitudes he can spot and identify anyone (friend or foe) or anything, his 'vision' able to penetrate most standard-issue cloaking technology.
He has a rather inflated opinion of himself too, above his fellow C.O.M.B.A.T. 'bots in every sense of the expression. This does make him remote and quite unlikeable.
Increases normal damage and dazzles enemies for 15 secs every 4 / 6 / 15 / 20 sec (reducing their range by 80%). If your bot dies, Giza turns into a bird of prey.
Health / Dmg. Inc. (%) | Health / Dmg. Inc. (%) | Health / Dmg. Inc. (%) | Health / Dmg. Inc. (%) | |
Minimum Level | 1,552 / 2 | 2,495 / 3 | 3,788 / 4 | 4,838 / 5 |
Maximum Level | 2,822 / 6.5 | 4,536 / 12 | 6,888 / 22 | 9,677 / 32 |
Decepticon Compatibility[]
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