Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia


Dirtbag is uncompromising to say the least, as obstinate and intransigent a character as you're likely to meet on the battlefield. His sole tactic is to start moving and not stop, come hell or high water, until he's reached his objective, which to most would be a fast ticket to the Big Shutdown, but Dirtbag's titanium/steel composite armor can resist almost any conventional weapons fire.

The sheer density of his construction does slow him down to a slow plod or, in dumper truck mode, crawl, but if you're in his way the smart move is to get out - fast.


Ability Description Ability Cost Cost Increase
AlloyMine Alloy Mine Place a mine that has 35% of your health, attracts nearby defenses and absorbs a percentage of the damage received. After 10 seconds or if destroyed, it explodes dealing damage in a large area. Also blocks healing. 5 3
Ability Levels
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Absorption (%) 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
Damage Mult. 5.5 6.05 6.6 7.15 7.7 8.25 8.8 9.35 9.9 10.45
Level 11 Upgrade Bonus TBA

C.O.M.B.A.T./Weapon Compatibility[]

C.O.M.B.A.T./Weapon Class
Baru Melee
Bombshock Companion
Catgut Melee
Dark Star Saber Melee
Fireglide Melee
Gabu Melee
Giza Melee
Glit Companion
Ground Hog Companion
Growl Companion
Lancelon Melee
Overkill Companion
Power Punch Companion
Ravage Companion
Razor-Sharp Melee
Roller Force Companion
SG Ravage Companion
Slugfest Companion
Terror-Daxtyl Melee
Tonbot Companion
Vertebreak Companion
Zori Melee


Crystal G1 Chip
Dirtbag Crystal Decepticon G1 Chip

Exclusive Power Cores[]

G1 Dirtbag
File:Dirtbag G1.png Increased ability damage. Every 10 seconds, a mine appears away from the bot. Attracts foes within a mid-sized area. Deals x damage after 10 seconds or if the mine is destroyed. Damaged enemies get healed less (20%) for 13 seconds.
Silver Gold G-Metal
Minimum Level Ability Damage:

% Damage:

Ability Damage: 10%

% Damage: 2%

Ability Damage:

% Damage:

Maximum Level Ability Damage:

% Damage:

Ability Damage: 17%

% Damage: 2%

Ability Damage:

% Damage:
