Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia

A multi-layered metal planet and home to the Transformers.

The planet has been under a civil war that has lasted millenia between the forces of the Decepticons and the Autobots. The war began over the allocation of resources, specifically energon, the energy needed to power their machines and themselves. Scrounging over the last of the resources caused both sides to send expeditions into space to find more sources of energon.

Cybertron has many different city-states and each has a few defense bases to protect it.

After Starscream stole several Prime Cores from his fellow Decepticons (Skullsmasher and Straxus) and an Autobot (Hound) he hid out on Cybertron and both factions teamed up to defeat him and reclaim the cores. They had to battle against these Raid Bases to get to him.
