Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia
Ui build resources a

There are several resources that can be collected, looted from battles, or harvested; and can be used for various purposes. Sometimes they get called currencies. By default the basic resources are :

The advanced resources are:

Ui build resources d
Shanix Store
Shanix Store

Basic Resource[]

For Alloy and Energon can be purchase in the menu : Build >> Resource

Ui build
Ui build resources a
Ui build resources d

Advanced Resource[]

For Combiner Spark, Ore-13, XP Boosts, Power Core Chips, and exclusive bots purchase in the menu : Build >> Shanix Store

Ui build
Shanix Store


Ui resource Energon
Energon is produced by Energon Harvester and is used to upgrade buildings within your base and upgrade your bot's special abilities with Spark. Energon can also be raided from another player's base during Battle or obtained as a reward from an Alliance War.
Tut energon a 01
Tut energon a 02
Tut energon a 03
Tut energon d 01
Tut energon d 02
Tut energon d 03
Energon can also be purchase using Ui resource CyberCoins Cyber Coins with cost depends of total capacity:
Total Energon Capacity
Ui resource energon25p
Ui resource energon50p
Ui resource energon90p
25% Energon fill 50% Energon fill 90% Energon fill
Ui resource CyberCoins 800 Ui resource CyberCoins 1,300 Ui resource CyberCoins 1,800
280,000 Ui resource Energon Ui resource CyberCoins 930 Ui resource CyberCoins 1,500 Ui resource CyberCoins 2,100
330,000 Ui resource Energon Ui resource CyberCoins 1,100 Ui resource CyberCoins 1,600 Ui resource CyberCoins 2,300
670,000 Ui resource Energon Ui resource CyberCoins 1,600 Ui resource CyberCoins 2,600 Ui resource CyberCoins 4,000
1,090,000 Ui resource Energon Ui resource CyberCoins 2,200 Ui resource CyberCoins 3,700 Ui resource CyberCoins 6,100
1,240,000 Ui resource Energon Ui resource CyberCoins 2,400 Ui resource CyberCoins 4,100 Ui resource CyberCoins 6,600
1,390,000 Ui resource Energon Ui resource CyberCoins 2,600 Ui resource CyberCoins 4,600 Ui resource CyberCoins 6,900
1,540,000 Ui resource Energon Ui resource CyberCoins 2,800 Ui resource CyberCoins 5,000 Ui resource CyberCoins 7,300
  • Purchasing will only refill with ratio percentage base with your total capacity.


Ui resource Alloy
Alloy is produced by Alloy Harvester and is used to upgrade buildings within your base. Alloy can also be raided from another player's base during a Battle or obtained as a reward from an Alliance War.
Alloy can also be purchase using Ui resource CyberCoins Cyber Coins with cost depends of total capacity:
Total Alloy Capacity
Ui resource alloy25p
Ui resource alloy50p
Ui resource alloy90p
25% Alloy fill 50% Alloy fill 90% Alloy fill
Ui resource CyberCoins 750 Ui resource CyberCoins 1,300 Ui resource CyberCoins 1,800
270,000 Ui resource Alloy Ui resource CyberCoins 890 Ui resource CyberCoins 1,400 Ui resource CyberCoins 2,000
750,000 Ui resource Alloy Ui resource CyberCoins 1,700 Ui resource CyberCoins 2,800 Ui resource CyberCoins 4,400
860,000 Ui resource Alloy Ui resource CyberCoins 1,900 Ui resource CyberCoins 3,100 Ui resource CyberCoins 5,000
970,000 Ui resource Alloy Ui resource CyberCoins 2,000 Ui resource CyberCoins 3,400 Ui resource CyberCoins 5,500
1,080,000 Ui resource Alloy Ui resource CyberCoins 2,200 Ui resource CyberCoins 3,700 Ui resource CyberCoins 6,100
1,230,000 Ui resource Alloy Ui resource CyberCoins 2,400 Ui resource CyberCoins 4,100 Ui resource CyberCoins 6,500
1,380,000 Ui resource Alloy Ui resource CyberCoins 2,600 Ui resource CyberCoins 4,500 Ui resource CyberCoins 6,900
  • Purchasing will only refill with ratio percentage base with your total capacity.

Cyber Coins[]

Ui resource CyberCoins Cyber Coins are a premium currency which can be obtained through in-app purchases (IAP) or by completing Achievements and Rewards . They can be used to instantly complete buildings, purchase additional resources or purchase Premium Character Crystals.

To see more details about Cyber Coins.

Shanix Coins[]

Shanix coins
Shanix Coins are a premium currency which can be obtained through Raid Battles or as rewards for weekend events. They can be used in the Shanix Store to purchase XP Boosts, Ore-13, Combiner Spark, Power Core Chips, exclusive bots, and more.


Ui resource spark
Spark is rewarded whenever you recruit a duplicate character through the Space Bridge and can also be obtained as a reward for winning an Alliance War or rewards during Events.

Spend Spark and Energon in the Research Lab to upgrade your bot's special abilities, or combiner spark in the Combiner Lab to upgrade your Super Warrior.

Spark Superion
Spark OptimusMaximus
Spark Volcanicus
Spark Victorion
Spark Devastator
Spark Bruticus
Spark Predaking
Spark Menasor
There are now only two kinds of combiner spark, Autobot and Decepticon varieties used per alliance.

Special Currencies[]

Fuel Cells[]

Ui resource fuelcell3 Fuel Cells power the Shuttle to take your team into battle.

Fuel Cells automatically regenerate overtime every 4 minutes.

Spend 5 Fuel Cells to participate in a Battle against a rival player.

Since the event Crystal City until today, the cost for participate in Alliance war is 0 Fuel Cells.

At some point Space Ape stopped using 10 Fuel Cells to participate in Alliance Wars, maintained the 5 Cell charge as other wars.

At some point Space Ape also stopped using smaller Fuel Cell amounts for smaller teams fighting in smaller Battle Zones

Energy Cells[]

Energy coils
Energy Cells are required to attack a base in a Raid Battle Event.

The amount of Energy Cells required depends on the event setup.

Usually a certain amount of cells are given at the start of an event and they replenish over time.

During weekend events it is also possible to fight in event battles to gather more Energy Cells.

During the first Raid Battle event 200 energy cells were issued to each player and they could earn more through PvP Battles initiated in the Event screen. Each battle used 100 cells.


Ui resource Medals Medals are gained by defeating another player's base in multiplayer (PvP) mode.

Careful, as they can also be lost if your base is defeated by another player or if you lose a multiplayer battle.

Compete to have the most Medals in Worldwide Rankings! The number of Medals achieved dwindles as a player achieves more. See chart for more information.


Ore-13 is a resource produced by mining using a similar mechanism to energon and alloy.

After completion of the Combiner campaign, you will unlock the capability to mine and store Ore-13 with the Ore-13 harvester.

Ore-13 is used to activate Combiners. See Combiners for more detail.


There are several different types of crystals, and there are shards, pieces of a crystal that can be formed back together to make a whole crystal:

Crystal unnamed
Character Crystals (to call forth specific bots through the Space Bridge and these come in Ui bot 2starUi bot 2star, Ui bot 3starUi bot 3starUi bot 3star, or Ui bot 4starUi bot 4starUi bot 4starUi bot 4star levels). Character Crystals do not usually guarantee that the specified bot will appear however.
Crystal Premium Character
Premium Crystals (to call forth a Ui bot 2starUi bot 2star, Ui bot 3starUi bot 3starUi bot 3star, or Ui bot 4starUi bot 4starUi bot 4starUi bot 4star Character through the Space Bridge)
Crystal Free
Free Crystal (to call forth a Ui bot 1star, Ui bot 2starUi bot 2star, Ui bot 3starUi bot 3starUi bot 3star Character Crystal, Spark, or Battle Boost through the Space Bridge)
Crystal Mixed Boost
Battle Boost Crystal (a variety of weapons used to aid in battle sent through the Space Bridge)
Star Crystals (to call forth a bot of a specific star level Ui bot 2starUi bot 2star, Ui bot 3starUi bot 3starUi bot 3star, or Ui bot 4starUi bot 4starUi bot 4starUi bot 4staror through the Space Bridge)

Crystal Shards[]

Shards can be collected to be reformed into a Star Crystal. Shards are specific for different types of Star Crystals. You can obtain Shards:

For every Bot that you already have with this exact star rating, you will get Spark and Resources in exchange for the duplicate, because you can only own one version of each Bot per star rating.

Starting with 1 Star Bot Duplicates and upwards, you also receive a small amount of Star Crystal Shards for the next higher rating. Those shards can be exchanged for a special crystal with a predetermined star rating random Bot.

In the beta version. you only got crystal shards for Ui bot 2starUi bot 2star Bot Duplicates and better.

Currently all duplicates will receive the below:

Duplicates Spark Energon Shards
Get Duplicate Ui bot 1star character in the Space Bridge 200 Spark 1,000 Ui resource Energon 30 Currency 2StarShard
Get Duplicate Ui bot 2starUi bot 2star character in the Space Bridge 400 Spark 2,500 Ui resource Energon 60 Currency 3StarShard
Get Duplicate Ui bot 3starUi bot 3starUi bot 3star character in the Space Bridge 800 Spark 25,000 Ui resource Energon 90 Currency 4StarShard
Get Duplicate Ui bot 4starUi bot 4starUi bot 4starUi bot 4star character in the Space Bridge 2,500 Spark 100,000 Ui resource Energon 250
Crystal-5 shard

For Star Shards that you collect can be view and exchange in the menu : Build >> Crystals.

Ui build
Ui build crystal a
Ui build crystal d

Those Star Shards can be exchange with the following exchange rate :

Quantity Shards Exchange into Crystals
Currency 2StarShard
Ui bot 2starUi bot 2star Character Crystal
Crystal 2 star
Currency 3StarShard
Ui bot 3starUi bot 3starUi bot 3star Character Crystal
Crystal 3 star
Currency 4StarShard
Ui bot 4starUi bot 4starUi bot 4starUi bot 4star Character Crystal
Crystal 4 star
Crystal-5 shard
Character Crystal
With no higher level to work toward crystals are guaranteed to recruit a new bot each time, no duplicates.

Power Cores[]

Primecore gold
Power Cores are ability enhancements that a bot or base defense weapon can be equipped with to make them more powerful in battle. These enhancements can be upgraded to make them even stronger. They come in different levels, and like crystals they can appear as chips or shards (pieces of a chip).


Power Cores are available after a player completes the appropriate Campaign and unlocks the Secrets of Nebulos. They build the Power Core Lab which allows them to collect, assign, fuse, and manage the Power Cores assigned to the different bots and building pieces.


Power Cores have different levels available. By fusing Power Cores together a player can make them stronger, increase their ability. Fuse carefully because once fused the cores cannot be separated. Cores can be combined in any combination; they do not have to match. Enhanced cores can be used to enhance other cores but at 1/3 the combined total.

Bronze Can achieve a maximum of level 5 ability enhancement.
Silver Can achieve a maximum of level 10 ability enhancement.
Primecore gold
Gold Can achieve a maximum of level 15 ability enhancement.
Prime cores


Can achieve a maximum of level 20 ability enhancement.


Power Cores are grouped by who they are useful to. Some cores are Bot-Universal and can be used by any bot, or Building-Universal and can be added to many of the base defenses, some are specific to certain classes of robot or defense. There are also several Power Cores that can be used only by a specific bot, complimenting their special-ness.

Power Core bot universal
Power Core cannon
Power Core laser
Power Core missile
Power Core mortar
Power Core hq
Trithyllium plating
Power Core air
Power Core gunner
Power Core medic
Power core warrior


Prime Cores[]

Primecore shard
Prime Cores are elaborate Power Cores that contain spark from one of the original twelve Primes, spark which grants the new user abilities of the Prime it came from. While the traditional Power Cores can be found in duplicate the Prime Cores are exclusive and only one of each is available (per player). They are activated when 5,000 shards are found and fused back together in the Power Core Lab.
Alchemist primecore
Alpha Trion Prime Core
Amalgamous Prime core
Liege Maximo Prime core
Megatronus Prime Core
Micronus Primecore
Onyx Primecore
Solus prime
Quintus prime
Vector primecore
Because duplicates are not allowed each fusion of shards is guaranteed to generate a different Prime Core.


  • To Exchange the Star Shards go to Build >> Crystals.
  • To Use the Crystals go to Space Bridge to summon the Bot.
  • Basic Resource of Alloy and Energon can sometimes in the form of Currencies and thus need to be claim before you can use it. See Inventory for more details.

All items (6)
