Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia


Bruticus is the combined form of the Combaticon team. A terrifying sight on the battlefield, Bruticus is among the strongest of all Cybertronians. He can pulverize a suspension bridge with a single 14,000 psi punch. He can lift up to 500,000 pounds. His armor is impervious to most artillery and radiation.

He's also as dumb as a sack of hammers. But as far as Decepticon combiners go, that's not a problem, as mental problems aren't terribly uncommon. In fact, Megatron wishes that he had an army of Bruticuses, and Optimus Prime is thankful that he doesn't.

Bruticus is composed of:

and sometimes also Shockwave although that form hasn't been used often or during the Earth Wars.


Ui c gunner Super Warrior - A robot of combined forces to make an extra large warrior.


See Research Lab.

Name Description Remarks
Earth Shatter
Earth Shatter Send a powerful shockwave dealing damage to targets in a line. Deals damage to walls!
Frantic Rage
Frantic Rage Grants increased movement speed, damage reduction and a close range splash-radius attack with increased damage.
Shockfire Missiles Fire 4 missiles that lock onto enemy defenses, disabling them and dealing damage (on the 4* version only)


See Cost to Research for increasing maximum level

Level Ui bot 3starUi bot 3starUi bot 3star Ui bot 4starUi bot 4starUi bot 4starUi bot 4star
[+/-] Power DPS Health Power DPS Health
1 940 155 13,000 165 15,000
2 1070 165 15,000 176 18,000
3 1250 175 18,000 187 21,000
4 1420 185 21,000 199 24,000
5 1560 200 23,000 211 27,000
6 1740 210 26,000 225 30,000
7 227 29,000 239 33,000
8 242 31,000 255 36,000
9 257 34,000 271 39,000
10 274 37,000 288 42,000
11 307 45,000
12 326 48,000
13 347 51,000
14 370 54,000
15 393 57,000
16 418 60,000
17 445 63,000
18 474 66,000
19 504 69,000
20 536 72,000


Bruticus was added at the same time as Optimus Maximus.
