Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia


Bombing Run

This is the ability used by aerial bots that drops 12 bombs in a line across a series of targets dealing damage to each of them. Select a primary target and the preceding and succeeding targets also get damaged if they are close enough and in direct line with the primary.


Ability Cost 4
Cost Increase 1


In the Research Lab, choose the Bot that has this ability and choose Upgrade to increase their effectiveness.

Level Spark Energon Damage
1 included with bot 720.0
2 Ui resource spark 200 5,500 Ui resource Energon 748.8
3 Ui resource spark 1,500 19,000 Ui resource Energon 777.6
4 Ui resource spark 5,000 240,000 Ui resource Energon 806.4
5 Ui resource spark 15,000 860,000 Ui resource Energon 835.2
6 Ui resource spark 45,000 1,700,000 Ui resource Energon 864.0
7 Ui resource spark 130,000 2,400,000 Ui resource Energon 892.8
8 Ui resource spark 250,000 2,900,000 Ui resource Energon 921.6
9 Ui resource spark 500,000 3,700,000 Ui resource Energon 950.4
10 Ui resource spark 750,000 979.2


Two bots are known to use this ability in battle, Powerglide and Cyclonus.
