Transformers: Earth Wars Wikia


Even among the Decepticons, a faction not known for their sensitivity, Blitzwing is as uncouth, abrasive and loudmouthed as they come. Sure, he's a terror on the battlefield, and few can equal his bludgeoning power in robot, tank or jet mode, but his gleeful thuggery wins him few admirers, and even fewer friends.

More often than not, Blitzwing's careful scheming gives way to a berserker fury, blunting his effectiveness.



Special - Bots in the Special class are highly individual fighters with special capabilities.


Ability Description Ability Cost Cost Increase
Flamestrike Flamestrike Set the target on fire dealing 109 damage over 8 seconds. Follow with Plasma Shroud: re-ignite the target dealing 169 damage over 6 seconds 3 1
PlasmaShroud Plasma Shroud Ionized plasma lowers enemy damage by 50% for 7 seconds. Follow with Flamestrike: trigger a plasma burst dealing 121 damage in a big area 2 1

C.O.M.B.A.T./Weapon Compatibility[]

C.O.M.B.A.T./Weapon Class
Baru Melee
Bombshock Companion
Catgut Melee
Dark Star Saber Melee
Fireglide Melee
Gabu Melee
Giza Melee
Glit Companion
Ground Hog Companion
Growl Companion
Lancelon Melee
Overkill Companion
Power Punch Companion
Ravage Companion
Razor-Sharp Melee
Roller Force Companion
SG Ravage Companion
Slugfest Companion
Terror-Daxtyl Melee
Tonbot Companion
Vertebreak Companion
Zori Melee


Crystal G1 Chip
Blitzwing Crystal Decepticon G1 Chip

Exclusive Power Cores[]

G1 Blitzwing
Blitzwing G1 All of your attacks heal you for a percentage of the Damage done and generate a shield before taking off for Plasma Shroud which absorbs 80% of all damage for 4 seconds.
Silver Gold G-Metal
Minimum Level Regeneration: Regeneration: Regeneration:
Maximum Level Regeneration: Regeneration: Regeneration: 15%


See Cost to Research for increasing maximum level. Power ratings assume that the special ability has not been upgraded, otherwise the amount will be higher.

Speed ?
Range ?
Level 1* 2* 3* 4* 5*
[+/-] Power DPS Health Power DPS Health Power DPS Health Power DPS Health Power DPS Health
1 24.2 733 28.0 964 33.1 1190
5 27.2 825 31.5 1080 37.3 1340
10 31.6 956 36.6 1250 43.2 1560
20 50.7 1530 58.7 2010 69.4 2500
30 81.3 2460 94.2 3240 111.3 4010
40 130.5 3950 151.1 5200 178.6 6440
50 242.5 8340 286.6 10,300
60 345.7 11,900 408.6 14,700


Blitzwing was introduced at the same time as Sky Lynx.
